Rolling Valley Office Park
9300-9318 Old Keene Mill Road
Burke, Virginia 22015
(Rolling Valley Office Park is the DBA name for Dominion Green, an Office Condominium)
The point of contact for financial matters is the RVOP Treasurer, Linda Bobb, whose phone number is 703-915-3734,
Maintenance issues should be addressed to Gregg White, RVOP Board Member and Maintenance Director, 703-913-8501.
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting November 19, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1905 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Naveed Qureshi and Anne Meccariello.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 10/24/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by N Qureshi, all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $36,190.43 and the money market account has $229,744.77 (with $237.70 in interest Income & transfer of $40k form checking). Account receivables over 91 days are being pursued. Billing of Dec 10th will include annual assessment increase letters. Motion to accept by G. White, 2nd by N. Qureshi, all approved.
--Property/Parking Lot Lights: G. White has not had opportunity to address this yet.
--Administration/Overdue Accounts Correspondence: 17th Street Management LLC still owes the past due balance. L. Martin had filed an updated memorandum on an existing lien for one owner and a partial release on a lien for another owner.
--Administration/Finances: L. Martin reported that Fritz & Company have provided their review of RVOP and have referenced the reserve fund study. They will be issuing final copies shortly. The report will be posted on the RVOP website.
--Grounds/Landscaping: A. Meccariello has accepted the responsibility since M Schuh has stepped down. G. White has offered to help her as needed. Greenscape provided a contract proposal for Saturday services, which was too expensive and will not be accepted at this time. Greenspace contract with weekdays service was reviewed and is satisfactory. Motion to accept by L. Bobb and 2nd. By N. Qureshi, all approved. L. Martin to sign and send a signed contract with note to Greenspace that A. Meccariello would be taking over M. Schuh’s duties and would be their point of contact going forward.
-- Fairfax County’s report regarding “Storm Water Sewer System Cleaning and Maintenance”. G. White to look at County’s approved Contractor's list, select and receive quotations and present to the Board. Not sure, but there may be rust / corrosion involved in some of the drainage areas.
-- Blue truck parked in the parking lot with no tags and seems abandoned. G. White to reach out to the owner of “Wisecuts” to discuss before getting this towed.
--Administration/Secretary: Discussion ensued on the question of who will be the next secretary. The decision was tabled pending decisions by potential new BOD member (Jack Merenda) who may serve. Resolution to give M. Schuh a departing gift (American Express card $250) as a small token of appreciation & same to G. White for his appreciation of tasks and oversight during the year in RVOP matters. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by N Qureshi, all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1927 hrs. Motion to adjourn by A. Meccariello 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be on 12/17/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Naveed Qureshi, Vice President
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting October 28, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1907 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Naveed Qureshi, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Homa Puga and Martin Schuh. Owners present were Howard Birmiel, Travis White, Jack Merenda and Tim LaFreniere
--Minutes: The minutes of the 09/17/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $74,298.07 and the money market account has $189,507.48 (with $276.29 in interest this month). Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by H. Puga; all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion 9310-9312: G. White reported that the repairs and corrective measures are complete.
--Property/Parking Lot Lights: G. White has not had opportunity to address this yet.
--Administration/Overdue Accounts Correspondence: L. Martin reported that he filed an updated memorandum on an existing lien for one owner and a partial release on a lien for another owner.
--Administration/Finances: It was decided to transfer $40,000 from the checking account into the reserve money market account. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Administration/Finances: L. Martin reported that Fritz & Company have provided their review of RVOP and have referenced the reserve fund study. L. Bobb has reviewed the report and indicated she was comfortable with it as well. The report will be posted on the RVOP website.
--Grounds/Landscaping: M. Schuh reported that Greenscape has given us a contract proposal to take effect next spring. It is essentially the same services we are currently receiving with an increase of 4% for next year. H. Puga mentioned that her office has noticed Greenscape’s fumes and noise and asked if it were possible for them to provide service on Saturdays. M. Schuh said he would inquire if this were an option and what the contract implications might be. The decision to accept/reject the contract was tabled pending a response from Greenscape.
--Administration/Secretary: Discussion ensued on the question of who will be the next secretary. The decision was tabled pending decisions by potential new BOD members who may serve.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1955 hrs. Motion to adjourn by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be on 11/19/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting September 17, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1905hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi, Linda Bobb and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 08/20/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by G. White, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 9/16, the checking account balance was $48, 415.24 and the money market account was $189,230.78 ($317.07 interest was earned this past month). One late fees account was paid and one half of an outstanding repair reimbursement was received. Another repair reimbursement is expected shortly and one lien has been extended because of a continuing balance due. Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Water issue: G. White informed the BOD that the 9310-12 project has been completed. He added that he personally purchased materials to make additional improvements to part of the drainage system to improve its effectiveness. He will submit receipts for reimbursement from the BOD. One unit owner still needs to decide on best options to replace the outdated compressor unit that needed to be moved to complete the repair process.
--Property/Lights: Given the demand on his attention to the water issue above, G. White has not been able to address the lighting issues in the complex. He will continue trying to address these.
--Financials: L. Martin filed an updated lien on an existing account.
--Property/Landscaping: Greenscape has submitted a proposal ($950.00) to remove and replace a dead shrub near the entrance to the parking lot. M. Schuh will consider this proposal in light of other options for this plant.
--Administration/Annual General Membership Meeting (AGMM): The BOD chose 10/28 as the date for the AGMM, to start at 1830 hrs.
--Property/Trash: D. Moreau shared that a party was observed putting construction material into the dumpster. Discussion centered on how to inform owners/occupants that outside material is not acceptable. It was agreed to address this issue on an individual basis as incidents occur.
--Administration/BOD: M. Schuh informed the BOD that he will be stepping down from the BOD at the end of his current term.
--Property/Repairs: G. White added that Autumn Const. built a shelving unit for an owner to replace a unit damaged as a result of the water intrusion problem.
--Property/Repairs: G. White disconnected a downspout to a clogged drain at 9308 and redirected the downspout across the sidewalk to a nearby catch basin. He used excess landscaping stones from a recent project adjacent to 9318 to complete this repair.
--The meeting adjourned at 1949 hrs. Motion to adjourn by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will follow the AGMM on 10/28/24, at 1830 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting August 20, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1916hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello, Linda Bobb and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 07/15/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 8/19, the checking account balance was $39,118.44 and the money market account was $188,913.71 ($293.84 in interest earned this past month). Also, a deposit of $4,501.70 was just made into the checking account and will increase that account to $43,620.14. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Water issue: G. White provided an update on the process: the HVAC unit has been removed and excavation is completed with an initial application of stucco applied. It will be followed by application of a sealant. The interior walls will be repaired and the soil graded and compacted when the sealant process is finished. The total cost will be around $7,500.
--Property/Lights: Given the demands of his work and the water issue above, G. White has not been able to schedule a convenient time to meet with an electrician to assess the lighting needs (currently one tall poll and two bollards). He will continue trying to schedule this.
--Financials: Given a series of health challenges that prevented L. Martin from being in his office for several weeks, he has not been able to initiate the emails and follow-up actions to address the outstanding balances of several parties. He will pursue these matters in the next few days.
--Administration/Snow Removal: Greenscape Landscapes has proposed the same contract for this winter as was agreed upon last year. The BOD agreed to this contract and will have L. Martin sign it in the next few days. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1939 hrs. Motion to adjourn by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 09/17/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting July 15, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1901hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Debbie Moreau, Linda Bobb and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 06/18/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and corrected for the date of the meeting (5/20 to 6/18) and for the date of the next monthly meeting (6/18 to 7/15). Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of yesterday, the checking account balance was $52,697.61 and the money market account was $168,619.87 ($273.43 in interest earned this past month). Currently, four parties have outstanding balances that are now in the 91 day and over period. Responses and actions will be discussed in the new business portion of this meeting. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/Water issue: G. White reported that the excavation/waterproofing has not progressed due to difficulty finding HVAC companies available to move the existing heat pump, located in the immediate work area. He will continue to reach out to potential contractors to remove the unit.
--Property/Lights: Given his busy work schedule, G. White has not been able to schedule a convenient time to meet with an electrician to assess the lighting needs (currently one tall poll and two bollards). He will continue trying to schedule this.
--Property/Camera: As a follow-up to last month’s discussion on security cameras, (initial cost of equipment, installation location, weather-proofing, data storage and access and recurring fees) the BOD decided to table this item until October. Motion to table by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Administration/Zoning: It was noted that there may be some activity within the office complex that would constitute a zoning violation. L. Martin will pass this information on to the appropriate county department for follow-up consideration.
--Administration/Late Condo Dues: Given the discussion last month and earlier, during the Treasurer’s Report, it was agreed that L. Martin would address the various parties with email inquiries as to their current status and alert them to potential actions, including liens, that may be considered.
--Administration/Finances: It was suggested that $20,000 be moved from the checking account to the money market account. Motion by G. White, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1947 hrs. Motion to adjourn by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 08/20/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting June 20, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1903 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Debbie Moreau, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 05/20/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of yesterday, the checking account balance was $39,993.60 and the money market account is at $168,346.44 ($282.08 in interest earned this past month). Three parties have outstanding balances beyond the 30-day limit totaling $3,190.55. L Bobb continues to monitor and reach out to these parties. There was some discussion about when to consider taking action (filing a lien). This discussion was tabled to New Business. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Water issue: G. White provided an update on the water issue at 9310-12. There was dampness on the walls after the gutter had been cleaned and the downspout re-routed. The next step is to excavate and provide an external water-sealant to the affected wall area. Autumn Construction has provided an estimate of $3850 to complete this process. The BOD approved this bid. The BOD also approved an agreement to pay for the removal of a heat pump located in the area to be excavated. However, given that the heat pump no longer works, it will be the unit owner’s responsibility to install a new unit. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Property/Lighting: G. White added that two more lights in the complex are in need of service and will be arranging for an electrician to address the earlier pole light as well as these two.
--Administration/Dues: As a follow-up to the discussion above regarding past dues, the BOD adopted a policy of a grace period of two quarters for dues in arrears. L. Bobb will continue to reach out to owners to encourage timely payment as well as to inform them of the grace period limits. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Parking: A larger blue truck has been noted to have been parked in the complex for an extended period of time. L. Martin will prepare a notice, indicating the need to move the vehicle and avoid potentially being towed, to be placed in the windshield.
--Property/Security Cameras: G. White continues to investigate the various factors involved in selecting not only the camera and storage capabilities but also installation concerns such as location, power source and weather protection. He will update the BOD when he has the details sorted out.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1932 hrs. Motion to adjourn by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 06/18/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting May 20, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1904 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Debbie Moreau, Linda Bobb, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 04/16/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of yesterday, the checking account balance was $39,781.39 and the money market account is at $168,064.36 ($249.55 in interest earned this past month). Three parties have outstanding balances beyond the 30-day limit totaling $3,190.55. Linda is continuing to reach out to these parties. Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Water issue: G. White reported that Autumn Construction has recently begun the tear-out work (drywall, etc.) in the interior of the units affected by the water intrusion. The recent rain has postponed the outside work on the downspout components.
--Property/Lighting: G. White is surveying the rest of the parking lot lights for other issues before contacting an electrician to service the light on pole # 4.
--Property/Parking Lot: There was a recent incident in which a lot of “junk” was left near the dumpster. Some of the liquid in large containers looked potentially dangerous and the hazmat team was called out to inspect. Fortunately, it was deemed safe to dispose of in typical manner. All the stuff was hauled away for a fee of $400.00.
--Property/Parking Lot: A truck has been noted to have been parked in the same spot for a number of days. If it remains there longer, G. White will place a notice that it will be towed unless moved in a timely manner.
--Property/Dumpster: In an effort to curb outside dumping of trash in or near the dumpster, the BOD authorized G. White to purchase and install video monitoring equipment. The BOD authorized him to spend up to $2500, as needed, to purchase and set up such a system.
--Administration/Finances: L. Martin informed the BOD that Fritz & Co. will begin the financial review process of RVOP next week.
--Property/Parking lot: G. White will ask Autumn Const. to paint the speed humps which were installed last year and are now ready for painting.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1932 hrs. Motion to adjourn by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 06/18/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting April 16, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1906 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 03/19/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2ndby L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of today, the checking account balance is $65,137.26 and the money market account is at $142,814.81 ($239.30 interest earned this past month). A larger longer-term balance has been paid in the last month with only the interest on the previously outstanding balance still remaining. Two other parties have balances due in the 61 to 90-day time frame and L. Bobb continues to reach out to them. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/Water issue: G. White was able to capture some images of the water issue impacting the basement units of 9310 and 9312. These images, taken during a recent heavier rain, indicate clogged downspouts and/or drain spouts at the sidewalk level. He has scheduled a meeting with Autumn Construction to discuss the situation and appropriate remedial steps to be considered, including repositioning the lateral downspout into an angled position leading down to the sidewalk along with the necessary adaptors to make the drainage connect properly. He will also have them inspect and seal the nearby window well and inspect the sump pumps in the adjacent areas and other units facing Old Keene Mill Rd.
--Property/Lighting: A light on pole 4 will be checked when an electrician is next on site.
--Grounds/Landscaping: M. Schuh replaced two dead shrubs in front of 9306.
--Administration/Finances: The BOD decided to move $25K from checking to the MM Account. –
--Property/Parking lot: G. White will ask Autumn Construction to paint the speed humps that they installed last year. He will also check that they have a current certificate of insurance.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1927 hrs. Motion to adjourn by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 05/20/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh. Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting March 19, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1903 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 02/20/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of yesterday, 3/18/24, the checking account balance was $41,701.14 and the money market account was $142,575.51 ($222.50 interest earned this past month). Three parties have balances due in the 61 to 90-day time frame and one account is 91 days and over. L. Bobb is monitoring and contacting them. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/Water issue: G. White is following up on a water leak situation effecting the basement units of 9310 and 9312. He believes it is a downspout drainage issue and, assuming this is the case, is considering replacing the horizontal part leading from the building to the sidewalk with a brown angled downspout.
--Administration/Water Bill: G. White received a rather large water bill in the billing cycle following the extensive power washing on the building and the rear parking lot wall. The BOD agreed to reimburse him for the additional amount of $870.33. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Grounds/Parking Lot Lights: M. Schuh mentioned that the left side bulb on pole #4 is flickering and needs to be addressed. G. White will contact an electrician to address this.
--Grounds/Landscaping: M. Schuh is looking for two small shrubs (Japanese Hollies) to replace missing plants in front of 9306.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1917 hrs. Motion to adjourn by L. Bobb, 2nd by D. Moreau: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 04/16/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting February 20, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1859 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, and Naveed Qureshi.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 01/16/24 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $43,892.03 and the money market account has $142,352.01 ($238.52 interest this past month). L. Bobb has sent out two reminder notices and has found where one owner missed a payment last year so is always one quarter behind. She will reach out to the owner to see if the check was lost in the mail. Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property Improvement & Landscaping: G. White stated that there are no outstanding projects however, there is a water leak situation reported by 9310 and 9312 which he is working on. We will need to replace some drywall once the cause is resolved. G. White thinks it might be a downspout issue on the corner of 9312 facing Old Keene Mill Road. He will also verify that the sump pump in the window well is working. He will get with the contractor to get an estimate.
--Landscaping: M. Schuh sent an email about the work recently completed by Autumn stating that they trimmed the kousa dogwood in front of 9312, removed a nandina between 9314 & 9316; and thinned the inkberry plants in the courtyard to promote more growth to the lower level plants.
--Dumping: Some tires were dumped by the mailbox and G. White rolled them to the dumpster and threw them away.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1909 hrs. Motion to adjourn by D. Moreau, 2nd by N. Qureshi: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 03/19/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Linda Bobb
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting January 16, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1902 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 12/19/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved with one correction: The money market account for last month was actually $141,874.71. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $37,544.10 and the money market account has $142,113.49 ($238.78 interest this past month). Currently, all accounts are paid or within the first thirty-day window except one which is in the 91-day and beyond time frame. Linda is reaching out to the owner. Of note, another owner has made payment on an outstanding amount. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property Improvement & Landscaping: G. White confirmed the completion of the project redirecting water under the sidewalk and down to the lower parking area as well as the steps and river rocks at the end of the 9318 building. Other Board members expressed their satisfaction with the project’s appearance as well as Gregg’s oversight on it.
--Administrative/Snow Removal Invoice: L. Bobb sought clarification regarding a recent snow removal invoice and was advised accordingly.
--Administration/Finances: An owner who recently paid overdue quarterly fees is requesting the BOD to waive the late fee. Given the length of time and the number of contacts and efforts made prior to the payment, the BOD decided not to waive the late fees. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Administration/Five-Year Budget: L. Martin presented the budget with projected costs and income for the next five years and acknowledged that the goal of establishing an acceptable reserve fund amount ($300,000) seems to be on track, barring any unforeseen expenses/ catastrophes/huge snow removal expenses, etc. Motion to accept the Five-Year budget by M. Schuh, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Administrative/Revised Reserve Study: L. Martin presented the revised study with updates, such as recent brick repair and cleaning, resulting in modified future repair projections. After brief discussion, the revised study was accepted. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1937 hrs. Motion to adjourn by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 2/20/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting December 19, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1930 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 11/21/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written with the understanding that the printed date is corrected on the digital copy. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $25,682.56 and the money market account has $141,874.71 (corrected 01/16/2024 minutes). The operational account is still waiting for an insurance premium check to clear which will reduce the operating account by $15,280. It was also noted that there are three accounts with outstanding amounts in the 61–90-day period; one of these is also beyond the 91-day period and a lien has been filed against the unit owners. At this time, there has been no response from the unit owners regarding this matter.
--Lastly, L. Martin spoke with the accountants, Fritz & Co., and learned that a letter of engagement will arrive in January to have them conduct a “Review of Financial Statements.” Motion to accept by A. Meccariello; 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/Drainpipe & Landscaping: G. White showed a couple of pictures detailing progress in removing part of a sidewalk and digging a trench intended to drain water from the sump pump in front of 9318. The existing drain was clogged. It is assumed that the new drain, to empty into the rear (lower) parking lot, will be finished this week. Autumn Construction will also landscape the adjacent area with river rock and install a stone walkway to connect the lower and upper parking lots.
--There were no new business items.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1954 hrs. Motion to adjourn by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be on 1/16/24, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting November 21, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1901 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 10/30/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by G. White, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $58,250.51 and the money market account has $116,681.96. Motion to accept by G. White, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved. Also, a motion to shift $25,000 from checking into the money market account was made by G. White, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Property/Number Replacement: It appears that Fast Signs has completed replacing the building numbers for the whole complex. G. White will follow up to see that they appear firmly installed and level/straight.
--Grounds/Landscaping: Burke Nursery has completed the retaining wall, reseeding/sod and river rock at the end of the 9300 building. M. Schuh will double check with Fred to see if the pop-up drain has arrived and been installed. He will also inquire about the proper address for payment to be sent.
--Administration/Finances: L. Martin has prepared a lien to be filed against an owner with a significant outstanding amount of condo fees. This owner has not responded recently and the account is now five quarters late. An accompanying letter with the lien also spells out the possibilities of second and third action steps that RVOP may consider under the Virginia Condominium Act. These include filing a suit for judgment and pursuing foreclosure on the property. It is the BOD’s desire to avoid these steps and to have an acceptable repayment schedule instead. Motion to file the lien by N. Qureshi, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Grounds/Landscaping: It was noted that Greenscape was on site today and doing a very thorough job of collecting the leaves. M. Schuh will send a note to their Branch Manager, Scott Clark complimenting the crew on their good work and its impact on the complex’s appeal.
--Property/Grounds: G. White described an improvement to be considered for a gutter downspout in front of the 9318 building. He will discuss this improvement with potential contractors and share their recommendations with the BOD.
--Personal: L. Martin shared a letter from Hospice of the Piedmont acknowledging the BOD’s donation in memory of Dr. Michael Caplan. The BOD remains very grateful for all the effort and dedication of Dr. Caplan in his capacity as President of RVOP’s BOD for many years.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1936 hrs. Motion to adjourn by L. Bobb, 2nd by N. Qureshi: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be on 12/19/23, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting October 30, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1932 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Naveed Qureshi, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Homa Puga and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 09/19/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $54,722.70 and the money market account has $116,485.91. Motion to accept by G. White, 2nd by H. Puga; all approved.
--Administration/Financial: L. Bobb has investigated Zelle as a payment platform for owners. Zelle would require a transaction percentage that makes it an unfavorable option and the Board tabled further discussion.
--Autumn Construction Update: G. White reported that their current work involves repair and/or replacement of two loose bricks near the entrance to Dr. Leaf’s office.
--Property/Number Replacement: G. White said that Fast Signs is about 50% finished replacing the numbers and that the numbers look very solid.
--Grounds/Landscaping: Burke Nursery has begun the repair/improvement work near the end of the 9300 building. Hopefully, it will be completed by the end of the week.
--Grounds/Snow Removal: A. Meccariello affirmed that Greenscape Land Design has been awarded the snow removal contract. She is arranging a meeting with their representative to clarify specifics on plowing and location of snow piles, if necessary, so as to minimally inconvenience our owners, staff and patrons.
--Administration/Finances: L. Martin explained that the Board should consider resumption of annual reviews of financial statements (an accounting process short of an audit) by Fritz & Company, P.C. The annual reviews had been terminated by Fritz & Company several years ago because RVOP did not have a reserve-fund study, as required by RVOP Bylaws and the Virginia Condominium Act. The membership approved the “2023 Reserve Study for Rolling Valley Office Park” at the 2023 meeting. Accordingly, now that we have a reserve-fund study, Fritz & Company has agreed to resume the annual review of financial statements and has submitted a proposal to conduct a Financial Review of RVOP for a fee of $2,800. Motion by H. Puga, 2nd by L. Bobb to resume the annual review of RVOP financial statements by Fritz & Company; all agreed.
--Grounds/Equipment: G. White suggested the Board consider purchasing a picnic table to be placed on the concrete space in the center of the inner courtyard. Given the time of year, this idea was tabled until next Spring.
--Personal: The Board was very saddened to hear of the recent passing of its previous President, Dr. Michael Caplan. The Board continues to have great respect for Mike and his leadership during his tenure as President. In his honor, the Board decided to make a donation of $500 to a charity of the family’s choosing. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 2005 hrs. Motion to adjourn by N. Qureshi, 2nd by H. Puga: all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be on 11/21/23, at 1900 hrs. via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting September 19, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1903 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Naveed Qureshi, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello (by phone) and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 08/22/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of yesterday, the checking account balance is $36, 582.69 and the money market account has $116,296.50. All quarterly dues are current except for two parties, one of which has an amount in the 91-day and over category. Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Autumn Construction Projects Update: G. White provided the BOD with updates and status reports on recent projects undertaken by Autumn Construction:
--Grounds/Landscaping: M. Schuh met with Edgar of Autumn Construction and Landscaping to address several concerns. Edgar will submit an estimate to build a low brick wall that curves slightly around and back into the sidewalk adjacent to the sidewalk at the end of 9300. He will also submit estimates for replacing barren spots with river rock at the lower level of 9300 and in the island area of the parking lot that holds the USPS mailbox. Several plants will be planted next to H. Birmiel’s office while several will be trimmed. There are some other thin spots along the front of 9300-9306 building in which small shrubs and ornamental grass will be planted. The Kousa dogwoods will be pruned later this Fall. M. Schuh also called Fred Dickinson of Burke Nursery and plans to meet with him next week to consider the same scope of work. Given that Fall is fast approaching, these bids may be circulated via email and voted upon accordingly rather than wait till the next BOD meeting (late October) to make landscaping decisions.
--Sign Update: A. Meccariello reported that the sign situation remains rather similar to last month’s condition with several violations/deviations from the guidelines. These include a neon sign and a than paper sign taped to an outer door. L. Martin will try to connect with the latter party to address this issue.
--Grounds/Snow Removal: Given that our snow removal party from last year is no longer providing this service, A. Meccariello is reaching out to other contractors. She has one meeting scheduled this week out of four contacts initiated. Given their familiarity with the complex, M. Schuh will try connecting with our current landscaping company.
--Administration: L. Bobb has setting up Zelle platform as a means of paying contractors for work done at RVOP. The BOD also asked L. Bobb to make Zelle an option for unit owners to make quarterly dues payments. Motion to make this option available for dues by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Grounds/Maintenance: G. White is working with Fastsigns to provide new numbers to replace lost or cracked address numbers on the exterior surface of buildings. The estimate to provide and install the new numbers is $4947.99. G. White is also waiting to meet with a second vendor and solicit a second bid. Given that the next meeting is to be late October, the BOD voted to authorize G. White to select a company and to spend up to $5,000 on this project. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Grounds/Trash: There was a recent episode of household furniture and other sundry items dumped near the dumpster. Edgar of Autum Construction agreed to haul it away for $300. The BOD discussed the pros and cons, the costs and the likely impact of having cameras positioned to record such activity in the future. Given the cost of the equipment and the anticipated cost of pursuing legal action, it was decided to hold off on this approach for now. Should there be an uptick in similar activity, this idea will be revisited.
--The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm. Motion to adjourn by N. Qureshi, 2nd by L. Bobb, all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be on 10/30/23, immediately following the Annual General Membership meeting via zoom.
Martin Schuh., Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting August 22, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1902 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Naveed Qureshi, Debbie Moreau and Martin Schuh. Debbie Moreau needed to leave the meeting at 1912 hrs.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 07/18/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $39,014.81 and the money market account has $116,069.93. All quarterly dues are current except for one party which remains in the 91 day an over category and two accounts in the 31–60-day late category. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Autumn Construction Projects Update: G. White provided the BOD with updates and status reports on recent projects undertaken by Autumn Construction:
--Sign Update: this was not addressed this evening due to A. Meccariello’s absence.
--Grounds/Parking lot: G. White obtained a proposal from Autumn Construction to replace/repair two areas in the parking lot with asphalt cold patches. Autumn will also install two speed bumps, one in front of 9318 and one in front of 9310. The cost of these four elements is $1500. Linda is to provide a $750 deposit. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by Naveed; all approved.
–Annual General Membership Meeting: The BOD selected 10/30 as the date for the annual meeting, to be conducted via zoom teleconference. L. Bobb will include this announcement in the next billing cycle to be mailed out.
--The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. Motion to adjourn by l. Bobb, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 7:00 pm 09/19/23 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting July 18, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi, Debbie Moreau and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 06/20/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $97,267.07 and the money market account has $65,859.54, as of 07/17/23. All quarterly dues are current except for one party which remains overdue. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Autumn Construction Projects Update: G. White provided the BOD with updates and status reports on several projects assigned to Autumn Construction:
Aside from the color-matching issue for the mortar, G. White and the BOD have been quite pleased with the quality of workmanship from Autum Construction.
--Sign Update: A. Meccariello reported that the more noticeable and obvious sign issues (signs on sidewalks, flying signs, etc.) have been rectified. There still are a number of minor variations that remain and may be addressed. Also, some may be considered as temporary and, therefore, hopefully rectified over time in the normal course of business transitions. As a related matter, she also noted several instances of pooling water on the sidewalks that might be from A/C condensation lines. Lastly, she pointed out that several numbers on the building addresses were loose, possibly from the recent power washing. In follow up discussion, there was some brief consideration of including a brief statement with the condo documents going to new tenants and owners stating that particular attention should be paid to the guidelines themselves and to not be influenced by some of earlier signage that is non-conforming.
--Water Issue: D. Moreau indicated that the owner of the unit above is indicating that the tenant of the unit is responsible for repair costs. The BOD agreed that the unit owner is the party ultimately responsible for such damages originating from the unit.
--Finances: Given the current level of funds in the operating checking account, it was decided to shift $50,000.00 into the interest-bearing money market account. There would be no interest penalty should there be a need to retrieve these funds in the near future. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Grounds/Architecture: Given that there are several address numbers that are failing and more are expected, G. White will request an estimate from Fast Signs to replace all the numbers in the complex. Replacement is indicated in that the original numbers appear to be proprietary and no longer available.
--Grounds/Landscaping: It was noted that several of the small original ornamental trees are getting rather large, blocking windows and signage in front of some units and protruding into the sidewalk area. M. Schuh will seek bids from local nurseries to remove specified trees and replace them with lower evergreen shrubs, similar to boxwoods, and other complementary planting. Also, he will request topsoil and sod to be placed in an area in which erosion has occurred near the 9300 building. Lastly, he will seek suggestions for plants that will survive in an area in which recent azaleas have not done well. This is anticipated to occur this fall when planting is recommended. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Grounds/Sidewalk Drains: G. White referenced an earlier contractor recommendation to redirect some of the water drains from downspouts that empty into the parking lot facing OKMR. Briefly, the suggestion was to have the drains be positioned at a 45-degree angle (now at 90 degrees) in order to direct the water flow down the curb and not out into the parking lot. Motion by Anne Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. Motion to adjourn by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 7:00 pm 08/22/23 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting June 20, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Quereshi and Debbie Moreau.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 05/16/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $78,365.99 and the money market account has $65,699.51, as of 06/17/23. Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Parking Lot and Curb Repairs: The board is pleased with the painting of the curbs and handicap spaces. G. White will check with Autumn to see if they have cleaned out the two grates. They repaired the curb on the Old Keene Mill Road side and it looks good. The board discussed adding speed humps in front of the first building. G. White will look into this and also check if Autumn Construction can place cold patches in front of 9316-18 and in the back by 9310.
-- Signs Update: A. Meccariello indicated that the sidewalk sign and the flag signs are gone. She will conduct another inspection. The board discussed the request for the sign submitted by 17th Management for the massage business. Although there were some questions about the business, proper licenses and business permits were submitted to L. Martin. Motion to disapprove the sign request by D. Moreau, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Fascia Board: L. Martin spoke with the owner regarding repair from sign removal. It was proposed that the owner pay $200 of the $550 to repair the damage. Motion to accept $200 towards the $550 cost of repair made by G. White, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Water Intrusion: D. Moreau reported that the ceiling collapsed, and water poured in from the above unit’s air conditioner. The two owners in the units above are responsible for fixing this. After speaking with D. Moreau, L. Martin spoke with one of the owners and he stated he would take care of it.
-- G. White will speak with Autumn Construction about starting the walls and handrail repairs once the current project is complete. The following project would be the brick walls and sidewalk repairs. L. Martin will sign the contracts and get them to G. White.
--The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm. Motion to adjourn by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 7:00 pm 07/18/23 via zoom.
Linda Bobb, for Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting May 16, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present: Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Quereshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 04/18/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $82,123.43 and the money market account has $65,534.56, as of 05/14/23. Three reminders were sent out and one payment was received today. One account that is three quarters in arrears. L. Martin will send a memorandum of lien accelerated through 2023. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Parking Discussion: One owner sent an email to L. Martin on 5/13/23 regarding the parking situation behind the first building. L. Martin had forwarded the email to the board members and it was generally agreed that no further action should be taken. L. Martin will reply to the owner.
-- Signs Update: A. Meccariello indicated that some signs have been taken down but will inspect the community and send an update to the board.
--Parking Lot Painting & Curb Repairs: G. White reviewed the list of repairs in the proposal from Autumn Construction which totals $4050.
--Fascia Board: Autumn Construction bid $550 to remove, replace and paint. This would be the financial responsibility of the owner. L. Martin will advise the owner of the estimate that he can either pay or have it repaired on his own. He will be given 10 days to complete the repair.
--Brick Walls and Sidewalk Repair: Autumn Construction bid $7200 to repair brick, plates, steps and retaining walls.
--Power Washing Buildings, Walls and Handrail Repair: Autumn Construction bid $5800 for the power washing of all buildings, retaining walls and outside building connectors. The repair of the handrails is bid at $1800.
Motion to proceed with these repairs with G. White overseeing the timing of each portion was made by A. Meccariello, 2nd by M. Schuh; all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 pm. Motion to adjourn by A. Mecarriello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 7:00 pm 06/20/23 via zoom.
Linda Bobb, for Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting April 18, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1900 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Homa Puga and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 3/21/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $79,615.72 and the money market account has $65,375.32, as of this weekend. One account remains outstanding and L. Bobb continues to reach out to this party. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Grounds/Portico Ceilings: Several BOD members commented on how courteous and careful Edgar and the other contractors are in their work. Also, Gregg will clarify that the BOD would like them to work on Virginia Eyecare’s portico ceilings after 1:00 PM on Saturday to avoid inconveniencing their clientele.
--Administration/Signs: L. Martin inquired if any BOD members have noticed a degree of compliance with his letter requesting that one of the businesses have their associates, who park their cars for the whole day, to park away from the more heavily visited offices. Responses indicate that there seems to be some cooperation and follow through in response to the letter. The BOD will continue to informally monitor the parking situation.
--Grounds/Fascia Board and other items:
--Administration/Website: L. Martin informed the BOD that he paid $1319 to maintain the domain name for RVOP with the website host for five more years. He has been reimbursed.
--Architecture/Signs: It was noted that some businesses have complied with the BOD letters requesting them to make changes in their signage consistent with RVOP’s sign specifications. There are also some who have not yet complied. Follow up letters were considered as a likely next step to these entities.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1930 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 1900hrs 5/16/23 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting March 21, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1901hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau,, Homa Puga and Martin Schuh. Howard Birmiel and Scott Leaf were present as owners.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 2/21/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2ndby A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $61,341.19 and the money market account has $65,211.18 as of last week. Quarterly invoices are going out tomorrow and one account has an outstanding balance. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Administration/Signs: L. Martin informed the BOD that he has been getting fairly positive responses to his recent letters notifying businesses of sign irregularities and the need for corrective responses. The identified parties are still in the 60-day grace period for making changes. Also, an owner elected to remove a lighted box in lieu of repairing and replacing a cover panel. In the process it was noted that some adjacent fascia wood is damaged from the sign box and will also need to be repaired. The unit owner will be informed of this secondary damage from the sign box and the cost of repair will be passed on to the owner.
--Grounds/Parking: It was noted that one business entity has a number of employee cars left overnight in the lot and also has other cars that are parked there throughout the day as well. It has become an issue and inconvenience to adjacent businesses that have a fair number of daytime patrons who have to park farther away and navigate their way past these vehicles that are occupying the spaces directly in front of their offices. L. Martin will write a letter to the business entity and request that the vehicles left for long periods of time be parked against the brick wall at the back of the lot and at the end of the lot closest to the entrance onto Old Keene Mill Rd. His letter will also reference the possibility of having to take other measures should this situation continue to be an inconvenience to the other businesses. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Portico Ceiling Painting: G. White has secured a company (I believe it is Autumn Construction & Landscaping LLC) willing to paint the ceilings in the porticos and is asking the BOD if there might be a need to try to schedule the work around various times that may be more convenient for some entities. It was agreed that notice would be given that the work is to commence on a given date and that the painters will do their best to not inconvenience any foot traffic in and out of the offices. The BOD apologizes in advance for any inconvenience that might occur and hopes that the finished work/product will clearly outweigh any difficulties encountered. Furthermore, the preliminary bid was around $6,000; the BOD voted to authorize G. White to confirm the contract up to the amount of $6,500. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Grounds/Unit Number: G. White informed the board that he was able to correct/reattach a unit number for one of the offices and, thereby, avoid a more costly repair. Again, the rest of the BOD expressed their gratitude to G. White for his willingness and his ability to address issues such as this within the complex.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1945 hrs. Motion by H. Puga, 2ndby L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 1900hrs 4/18/23 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting February 21, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1900 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi and Homa Puga.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 01/17/23 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by H. Puga; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $63,322.14 and the money market account balance is $65,063.28. The money market account was opened on 01/20/23. The 1099’s were prepared by Fritz & Co., were distributed, and filed to the government. L. Bobb received notice from American Disposal that there will be a 13% rate increase starting March 1st. Motion to accept by G. White, 2ndby D. Moreau; all approved.
--Sign Letters Update: L. Martin has had favorable responses from all the letters sent. At least one of the neon signs is still on but they were given 60 days to comply.
--Acrylic Face Proposal: The owner was contacted by L. Martin regarding the FastSigns estimate to replace the acrylic face and he wishes to look into possibly using another vendor. L. Martin will let him know he has until February 24th to either agree to use FastSigns or provide evidence of another vendor, and the work must be completed within one week. Motion to approve made by G. White, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Bollard/Flood Light Proposal: There has been some ground marking done by the electric company. When G. White is back in town, he will get an update as to when this work might be completed.
--Payment Plan Proposal by Owner: The board discussed the proposed payment plan to reimburse the association for work completed. The owner had asked for payments over 12 months. It was decided that L. Bobb will send an invoice monthly in the amount of $600. Motion to approve the payment plan made by G. White, 2nd by H. Puga; all approved.
--Portico Ceilings Proposal: G. White had sent an email to the board with the proposal from Autumn Construction for painting the portico ceilings. This would also involve work on the rusted vents in the porticos. It will be discussed and approved in email next week. G. White will find out what Autumn Construction’s schedule is regarding workdays or weekends, etc.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1925 hrs. Motion by H. Puga, 2ndby A. Meccariello, 2nd; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 1900 hrs 03/21/23 via zoom.
Linda Bobb, Substitute Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting January 17, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1903hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi, Debbie Moreau, Homa Puga and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 12/20/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Currently, the checking account balance is $131,454.49. There are two incoming payments for quarterly dues. Also, one previously outstanding account is now paid through the last quarter. L. Bobb will also open the Reserve account ($65,000) this week.
Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by H. Puga; all approved.
--Property/Door Repairs: G. White informed the BOD that Baldino’s Lock and Key is tentatively scheduled to install the new doors (damaged several months ago by the fire department) next Tuesday, 1/24.
--Administration/Sign Committee: The BOD recognized and appreciated the effort involved in the very detailed report provided by A. Meccariello in which she summarized the range of issues and concerns noted when she and G. White surveyed the complex. In her report, she noted some items for which the BOD has responsibility. However, there are many items that are the responsibility of owners/tenants.
These seem to fall into several categories: (i) deteriorated and/or empty blue lighted signs. There is also some inconsistency with the blue being used in these signs; (ii) signs in windows [paper, poster, or neon]; (iii) non-brass entry way signs and minor deviations among the brass signs; (iv) wooden boards on which brass entry signs are to be located, one is blank without a brass plaque and others do not exist at all; the brass plaques are mounted directly on the brick; and, (v) temporary paper signs on doors of suites. A. Meccariello noted that the BOD recognizes that some of the temporary (paper) signs are information regarding the use of masks secondary to the pandemic and those are deemed appropriate while others are more instructive, like an arrow taped to the door to indicate where to enter the business.
After much discussion, the BOD decided to begin addressing the sign issues with the first step having two foci: addressing the more obvious or visible signs and those expressly prohibited in the by-laws. To this end it was decided to replace the blue panel in the empty sign box (related to the fire damage from last year) with the cost to be passed on to the owner. G. White will contact a sign company to initiate the replacement.
Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
The second motion, to notify – (i) those units who have any signs in their windows (paper, poster, or neon) to remove them from the windows as soon as possible. The exception to this would be a ‘For Sale’ or a “For Rent”sign; (ii) those units with any sign other than a brass sign plaque in their entryway. It should be removed and replaced with a rectangular bronze plaque that is consistent with guidelines as soon as possible; (iii) those units with sidewalk signs in front of their business. These should be removed and no longer used to be consistent with guidelines.
Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Outdoor Lighting: G. White informed the BOD that some of the complex lighting needs to have the ballasts replaced. He will contact an electrician to address this as well as seeking a solution to the more ongoing issue with lighting in the courtyard area.
--Grounds/Parking: It was noted that remaining in the parking lot are some commercial vehicles belonging to a former tenant/occupant. G. White will speak to the owner and ask that the vehicles be removed.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1958 hrs. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 1900hrs 2/21/23 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting December 20, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 1932hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 11/17/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. Earlier today, 12/20/22, the checking account balance was $115,622.52. There is one remaining outstanding account and there are several incoming payments to be deposited for the next quarter’s association dues. The remaining quarterly dues should bring the cash on hand total to around $146,000, assuming no major expenses in the next several weeks. Motion to accept by G. White, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Administration/Reserve Fund: L. Martin has been focusing on the current budget as well as the Five-Year study that he has been researching and preparing for the association. In so doing, he has recommended that the BOD consider keeping $50,000 in the current cash on hand account as operating funds and setting aside the balance, $65,000, into a designated Reserve Fund. Over the next several years, the target amount for the Reserve fund is $200,000. Motion to approve by N. Qureshi, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Administration/Five-Year Study: L. Martin has been researching and studying the larger expense categories encountered or anticipated by the condominium association. There are five currently identified categories of major expenses: parking lot, roofing, retaining walls, underground wires and cabling and sidewalks and curbs. The BOD will be monitoring these larger expense categories over the next several years with the intent of extending and maintaining the condition of these items as well as prioritizing potential remedial actions that may become necessary. Approval of the study motioned by L. Bobb, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Property/Door Repairs: G. White informed the BOD that Baldino’s Lock and Key has a signed contract to replace the doors damaged several months ago by the fire department and that the doors are on order. It is anticipated that they will be installed as soon as they are available.
--Administration/Sign Committee: A. Meccariello and G. White have canvassed the complex and identified a range of issues/problems with a number of existing signs. Some signs are more obvious while others are more subtle in their deviation from the sign regulations listed on the RVOP Website. These problems are present in both lighted and printed signs. In discussing the range of problems, the BOD has decided to begin addressing the more obvious issues with lighted signs (the lighted blue signs in boxes) as well as neon signs in windows and temporary paper signs taped to doorways. Over the next several weeks, these signs will be identified more specifically so that they can be addressed individually with the owners/tenants having the opportunity to address and rectify their respective situations.
--Administration/Finance: The BOD agreed to initiate the reserve fund in a Money Market account with the option of considering a jumbo CD at some future point. N. Qureshi will assist L. Martin and L. Bobb at identifying and setting up the new account. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Grounds/Retaining wall: M. Schuh informed the board that the proposed timber retaining wall near 9300 was not installed due to the presence of several electricity lines in the immediate area below the proposed site. Other options are being considered to address this problem, including a self-contained box-type wall.
--The meeting was adjourned at 2029 hrs. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 1900hrs 1/17/23 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP Board of Directors Meeting November 17, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 0817hrs via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi, and Anne Meccariello
Minutes: The Minutes of 10/24/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by Debbie Moreau, 2nd by Linda Bobb; all approved
Treasurer Report: The financial statements and report were prepared and presented by Linda Bobb. As of 11/15/22, the checking account balance was 113,363.17. One owner has paid for the current quarter but has not paid the last quarter. Linda emailed her and let her know this- no word back at this time. Another owner was also sent a reminder since he has not yet paid the current quarter. Motion to approve by Gregg White, 2nd by Debbie Moreau; all approved.
- Exterior Door Update – Gregg White recommends that we accept and move forward with the new quote he received from Baldino’s. Lloyd Martin will remind the unit’s owner that he is responsible for the cost of this exterior door.
- 9302 Update – all completed and the AdvantaClean bill has been paid in full.
- Reserve Funding Study – extensive time and effort was made by Llyod Martin in preparing this document. It covers 4 main areas of concern: parking lot, roofs, sidewalks and curbs, and underground cabling. He foresees funding the Reserve Fund by leaving approximately $50,000 in the operating funds and any excess at the end of each calendar year will be placed in a separate Money Market. A new account will be opened at Truist Bank. Many thanks and much appreciation to Llyod Martin for this project. Lloyd would like to submit the Reserve Funding Study in December 2022 for Board approval; to begin this in January 2023.
- Sign Committee – Gregg White and Anne Meccariello have begun their initial review by documenting information on all outside blue signs, condo plaques, door signs and mailboxes with photos and notes. All violations regarding these and additional violations such as signs for marketing purposes that are neon or posters in windows or posted on the grounds of the association will be presented to the Board. In addition, signs or flags on the land surrounding the association on Shiplett Blvd or Old Keene Mill Road are in violation of Fairfax County Laws. Anyone in violation will be notified via letter from the President of our Board of Directors to correct the problem. We will have to make decisions about grandfathering signs and plaques that have long been in existence and encouraging changes where feasible. Going forward, any new signs and plaques need to be in alignment with our current signage by-laws.
o Consider re-sale certificates to include information regarding signage by-laws so new tenants are aware of this information and know to present any new signs for Board approval
o Board should also be receiving a copy of leases – we do not get too many of these
o Suggestion to include a generic letter, as a reminder about basic things all owners need to comply with; like signage by-laws for what is and is not allowed regarding all outside signs (blue signs, condo plaques, door signs), trash, parking and rental leases. Linda Bobb will put together a letter that will go out each time with quarterly invoices.
- Linda Bobb’s work schedule has changed meaning that she will no longer be able to participate in our meetings. Therefore, we have all agreed to move the meetings to the 3rd or 4th Tuesday evening of the month. Next meeting will be Tuesday, December 20th at 7:30pm via Zoom with the option to change this if it is not convenient for our esteemed colleague and amazing Secretary, Dr. Martin Schuh.
NEXT MEETING – Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 7:30pm via zoom teleconference
Meeting adjourned at 0900 - Motion by Lloyd Martin, 2nd Debbie Moreau
Respectfully submitted by Anne Meccariello
RVOP October 24, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 1940hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 9/15/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 10/22/22, the checking account balance was $117,828.85. There is one current receivable for which a lien was recently filed. There was some discussion about setting up a separate account as a reserve fund and possible amounts to fund it. Given the time of year with winter approaching (snow removal) and that the BOD will vote on a final budget at the beginning of the fiscal year (January), discussion was tabled until January. New quarterly statements/invoices have just been sent out. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Door replacement: G. White explained that there have been some miscommunications and changes from the initial proposal to replace the exterior doors damaged by the fire department when responding to a fire. He will pursue proposals from other vendors/contractors.
--Property/Water Damage update: G. White indicated that 9302 C is completed.
--Architecture/Signs: G. White and A. Meccariello will survey the signs and present the BOD with a list of signs that need to be addressed.
--Grounds/Landscaping: M. Schuh suggested that the BOD authorize Greenscape to aerate and over seed the lawn areas of the Complex. Per contract, the cost would be $600. Motion to approve by G. White, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Grounds/Landscaping: L. Martin inquired about the status of the erosion near 9300. M. Schuh indicated that a plan for building a retaining wall (approximately two feet high at its highest point) with timbers and planting some shrubs between it and the existing sidewalk was discussed earlier this year. The cost for materials would be approximately $500. Motion to proceed by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 2018 hrs. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will be 11/10/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP September 15, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0819hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 8/18/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 9/14/22, the checking account balance was $103,042.07. There is one current receivable ($2055.39) which L. Bobb continues to reach out to. New quarterly statements/invoices have just been sent out. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Grounds/Tree Removal: M. Schuh presented a proposal from JL Tree Service to remove a dead red oak tree in the courtyard area for $650. Motion to approve, with the provision of a certificate of insurance, by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/Water Damage: G. White informed the BOD of water/mold in unit 9302 C that resulted from a failed sub-pump. Advanta Clean will clean/repair interior damage at an estimate of $7100. G. White will clarify details of a time frame (60 days) as well as hold part of payment contingent on satisfactory completion of the work. Motion to approve by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--BOD/Executive VP Designation: Given that G. White has been interfacing with a number of contractors, L. Martin suggested to the BOD that G. White be given the title, Executive Vice President, with the authority to sign contracts for various repairs/projects within the complex. This designation allows him to deal directly and more efficiently in addressing the various issues that have surfaced and that he has been addressing. Motion by L. Martin, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Architecture/Signs: Approval of signage advertising space available and a phone number in the area (lighted blue panel) designated for the name of a business or lessee or owner was requested. Given that the information falls outside the content designated in the guidelines, the request was denied. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved. G. White will convey the decision. –Architecture/Signs: Given the history of questions about signs that installed without BOD approval, L. Martin suggested an Ad Hoc Committee be established to regularly, perhaps quarterly, survey the complex in order to address sign issues that appear. G. White and A. Meccariello volunteered to be on this committee. Motion to accept them and this committee by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/VEC Construction: It was noted that a vent was installed by the contractors in the back wall (i.e., exterior alteration) of their building without BOD approval. Although it was in the mechanical drawings, it was not brought to the attention of the BOD. The BOD was focused on addressing concerns with maintaining the structural integrity of supporting ceilings and walls as contractors were creating an opening between the adjoining units. Given VEC’s need for such a vent in the operation of their business, it was decided not to take any action on this issue.
--Property/VEC Drawings: The question of whether or not RVOP needed physical copies of the drawings was discussed. Given that the drawings are on file with the county and that L. Martin and G. White have them downloaded on their computers, it was agreed that the plans could be saved and accessed on a flash drive, should they be needed in the future.
--Annual General Membership Meeting: The BOD chose 10/24 at 1830hrs for this year’s GMM. Also, L. Martin asked each BOD member to update their preferred contact information to be included in the notice of the GMM.
--Administration/Budget: L. Martin initiated discussion of change the time frame associated with the annual budget. Given his experience with preparing the budget, it would be more practical to prepare it in November and vote on it in December and have it in place for January 1. This plan will be presented and discussed at the GMM on 10/24.
--Administration Long Range Replacement Study: L. Martin, mindful of the above budget comment, also suggested that the BOD consider the better way to address assessing and planning for parking lot repair/resurfacing, roofing and other large-scale items. Discussion centered around the degree and specifications of what might constitute a suitable study, ranging from occasional estimates by contractors to in-depth engineering studies. This question will also be considered at the annual GMM.
-The meeting was adjourned at 0928 hrs. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting will follow the Annual GMM, 1830hrs on 10/24/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP August 18, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0821hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 7/14/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 8/17/22, the checking account balance was $102,950.99. There are a few outstanding receivables, all of which are in the initial 31–60-day time frame. L. Bobb is following up on these accounts. One recent check for $1438.86 for water damage repair has been sent out. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Property/Door Replacements: Door Replacement (9302 A & D) has not been initiated yet. G. White will contact Redd Vault to check on plans to replace these two exterior doors.
--Property/Portico Lights: G. White reported that a unit is having difficulty locating the switch for the outside light and will likely have an electrician locate the switch. It appears that this may be the case for several stacked units (units on the first and second floors) that were originally occupied by the same business entity.
--Property/Outdoor Lighting: The bollard and elevated light in the courtyard area near 9306 are still a concern in that their power source is interrupted. G. White will continue to check with an electrician for alternate source(s) of power for these lights.
--VEC Construction Update: RVOP has received emailed copies of signed and approved engineering diagrams with of the passageway cut-through and supporting elements as stipulated in the last BOD meeting. Cut-through work has commenced and is proceeding. It appears that the next phase of work, demolition of some existing areas, will begin soon. G. White will request physical copies of the signed plans and diagrams for RVOP’s records.
--Architecture/Signs: It was noted that several businesses have replaced worn, weathered signage with new signs, improving the appearance of the RVOP complex.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0846 hrs. Motion by G. White, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 9/15/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP July 14, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0818hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 6/23/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 7/13/22, the checking account balance was $97002.46. One outstanding account ($730.15) remains in the +91-day range. LCD’s account is current. L. Bobb has been trying to connect with this person. It was also noted that two units have been purchased in the last month (9300 E, Wise Cuts and 9300 D Nawal Hair Design). Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Property/Door Replacements: G. White will contact L. Martin and Redd Vault to see if approval was given to proceed with the two door replacements at the cost of $1634 for both doors.
--Property/Water: Given recent heavy rains, a BOD member asked if there were any recent indication of water intrusion in the units that have been worked on over the past number of months. None was noted.
--Property/Electrical/PSE: G. White has been unable to follow up on the outside lighting issues.
--Property/VEC Construction Update: Copies of engineering diagrams with Structura’s markups of the proposed passageway cut-through and supporting elements were presented. The revised opening is now 48 inches, as indicated in Structura’s plans. Virginia Eye Care would like to proceed with the project and is requesting that RVOP BOD approve of these plans. The BOD voted to approve the revised plans with the following conditions:
-Signature by an authorized structural engineer
-Signature by/from Fairfax County Permitting Office
-Copies of the final approvals/sign-offs are in the possession of RVOP before the cut
through is initiated.
-The signed copies are to be sent to L. Martin and G. White
Motion to approve by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Architecture/Signs: A. Meccariello suggested that, in light of recent experiences with sign issues, that there be a checklist that accompanies the Condominium Documents at settlement that spells out steps to be considered in selecting appropriate sign/design elements. Also, it was suggested that a letter might be included with the next billing statement to remind current tenants and owners that there have been recent issues/problems with faulty signs that have caused significant damage/repair work. Thus, all owners are encouraged to evaluate their respective signs to ensure that they are structurally safe, in good condition and that they match the color and design specifications as indicated in the guidelines.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0902 hrs. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 8/18/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP June 23, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0818hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 5/12/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 6/22/22, the checking account balance was $75,621.86. Accounts receivable were $1430.28 and 730.15 from two respective accounts in the 61-90-day time frame. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Property/Electrical Repairs: G. White reported that PSE has completed the repair to the bollard at 9312 A. Power is not connected to the steps behind 9308. Also, there is no power to the bollard and elevated light adjacent to 9306 B. Gregg will ask PSE about potential options of restoring power to these areas.
--Property/VEC Construction Update: A meeting was held with the contractor and engineer to look at the ceiling issues related to making an entry between units. Dr. Leaf was not present. There was some discussion about making the opening smaller. The final plans for the smaller opening are not yet available.
--Property/Door Replacements: G. White presented estimates from two vendors to replace the exterior doors (9302 A&D) damaged by the Fire Department when responding to a call several weeks ago. The BOD chose the bid from Redd Vault to replace two doors and frames for $3268. However, on closer inspection the bid appears to be $1634 (($667.00 materials and $150.00 labor per door). The Board also discussed the issue of responsibility for the repair costs. The unit owner had previously been asked to repair the wires that shorted and caused the incident. He has since been notified of this responsibility. Motion to approve by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Architecture/Sign: L. Martin provided a copy of the approval of the Nawal Hair Salon sign. The BOD had a brief discussion regarding adding some clarifications/limitations on color elements in the sign guidelines. This discussion was tabled given that no consensus was reached.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0857 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 7/14/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP May 12, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0817hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello, and Martin Schuh. Dr. Tim LaFreniere was present as an owner.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 4/21/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 5/11/22, the checking account balance was $83,158.05. Accounts receivable was $7,142.51 with each of these accounts being in the 31–60-day time frame. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Property/Electrical Repairs: G. White reported that PSE has completed most of the electrical repairs including replacing bulbs on stairwell lights, bollard landscape fixtures, flood lights and parking-lot pole lights as agreed upon. Remaining work to be done includes the bollard fixture in front of 9312-A, four stairway lights going down behind 9308 in the courtyard, the elevated flood light on 9306 in the courtyard area and the bollard fixture in that same area. G. White is waiting for a proposal from PSE for the additional time to trouble shoot and repair the open circuit preventing electricity to reach the bollard and elevated flood light in front of 9306.
--Property/9302-9304 Update: 58 Foundations agreed to cancel their contract with RVOP for 9304 B (drain tile system) and 9302 C (window well sump pump). G. White will find another contractor to install the sump pump at 9302 C.
--Property/9304 B & 9318: G. White informed the BOD that there will be an added expense from AdvantaClean for an additional layer of sealant applied to the walls in these two units.
--Property/9304 B & 9318: Beginning 5/16, AdvantaClean will begin to restore the areas in 9304 B & 9318, including studs, drywall, ceiling, flooring and painting with a time estimate of three (3) days. G. White is to meet with AdvantaClean and contractor on 5/13 to define the scope of work to begin on 5/16. Also, AdvantaClean will get firm pricing for flooring replacement for the conference room in 9304 B. The BOD and the unit owner have agreed to select a type of laminated material in place of carpeting, with the BOD allocating $3,000 for this expense. Motion to approve by G. White, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Property/VEC Construction Update: Dr. Tim LaFreniere was present via zoom to discuss the concerns with shoring foundational walls in light of the planned entrance into an adjacent unit. These concerns include the potential impact on those business entities in the adjacent units. Dr. LaFreniere informed the BOD that the structural engineer from the contracted company, Structura, will be on site 5/13 at 10:30 to meet with the adjacent unit owners to discuss issues and questions concerning shoring needed during the construction/expansion process. It is anticipated that this meeting will be successful in addressing all the questions and concerns involved.
--Grounds/Snow Removal Contract: The Board had received a new snow removal proposal and the BOD would like to compare it to the existing contract with Suburban. Since A. Meccariello, who is the BOD point of contact on snow removal and familiar with the pricing structure details, had not had a chance to review the new proposal, a motion was made to have her compare the proposal with the existing contract (Note: one charges by the amount/units of snow removal product used; the other charges per application of product) and to make the decision as soon as is convenient. The BOD did not want this issue to linger in the event that rising fuel costs and other potential factors might increase costs. Motion to approve by M. Schuh, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Grounds/Sand on Parking lot: G. White commented that he had noticed an accumulation of sand in parts of the parking lot following last Winter’s snow and ice treatments. He wondered if this is a service that is included in the agreement with Greenscapes. M. Schuh said that he didn’t believe it is included but would check into it and if not, inquire about the cost of removal.
--Administration/COI: M. Schuh informed the BOD, based on his recent experience with The Hartford Insurance Co., that requests for Certificates of Insurance for Mortgage Companies should be send via email to L. Martin will update the website with this information.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0900 hrs. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 6/16/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP April 21, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0817hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 3/17/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 4/15/22, the checking account balance was $82,636.75 with $500.00 in checks to be cashed which would reduce the balance to $82,136.75. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/PSE proposal for sump pump: PSE has offered to pursue the permit and install a sump pump in unit 9304 B for $1200. This is desirable in that 58 Foundations has not been successful in accomplishing this for a number of months. Motion was made to have PSE pursue the permit and install the sump pump with 58 Foundations, given their inability to move this forward, agreeing to carve out this work and expense from their agreement with RVOP. Furthermore, 58 Foundations is to agree to commence the follow up work (French drain) within 7 days of the sump pump installation or refund all money deposited with them for this project. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Lighting: PSE has affirmed its earlier bid of $2212.46, with some modest supply cost increases, to replace/repair lighting in the courtyard area, some of the large parking lot poles and some stairwell lights. Motion to approve by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--VEC Construction Update: RVOP is still waiting on updated approved plans indicating the plans for shoring and supporting support walls in their expansion plans. L. Martin will contact the general contractor to obtain these plans containing the approval of Fairfax County Inspection and, specifically, a structural engineer’s approval.
--Common Grounds/Sign: G. White informed the board that the new panels have been installed in the outdoor lighted sign. However, the photo cell still needs to be installed and the access panels need to be properly repositioned/installed. He will contact them to complete these items. –Grounds/Snow Removal: A proposal was received from Greenscape Landscaping and is to be considered with the existing contract from Suburban. Since A. Meccariello, the point of contact person for snow removal, was unable to be present for this meeting, this item is postponed until next month’s BOD meeting.
--Grounds/Power Washing: G. White was approached by a company requesting to provide this service for the complex. Given the current agenda items, this item was postponed.
--Landscaping/Sidewalk/Erosion: M. Schuh presented the Board with a proposal from Greenscape to place two landscape timbers along the end of a sidewalk near 9300 at a cost of $1860. The BOD concluded that this was a larger expenditure than anticipated and is considering creating a border of shrubs and mulch that would achieve a similar effect. The BOD agreed to an amount up to $1000 for materials to be purchased and installed by M. Schuh and other BOD members at a mutually agreed upon time. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0908 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 5/12/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP March 17, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0819hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 2/17/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved with one correction: The Lancaster Landscaping contract ends on 3/31/22, not 12/31/21. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 3/15/22, the checking account balance was $58,676.01. Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Sign: G. White reported that a deposit was placed and the work is to commence.
--Property/Water Intrusion/Permits: G. White reported that communication with the permitting office is increasing in that the permit runner is doing more. However, given the passage of time since the blocked down-spout and drain issues were addressed and with the apparent dryness of the treated wall, even with recent rain, the BOD is considering the option of foregoing the drain tile and sump-pump system proposed by 58 Foundations for the 9304-B unit if permits are not resolved quickly. This would then involve having Advanta Clean return and possibly add another layer of sealer to the wall before enclosing it with drywall, painting it and replacing the flooring. The BOD decided to accept this motion subject to G. White’s and D. Moreau’s inspection of the wall. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion/Permits: G. White will also check the condition of the wall in 9318-B to see if it is remaining dry as well. The BOD may choose the same course of action there.
--Property/VEC Project: L. Martin reported that he did get the Insurance Certificate with the Additional Insureds (i.e., neighboring units) listed for the proposed construction work at VEC. L. Martin will also contact VEC for the construction plans before construction actually begins.
--Grounds/Landscaping: M. Schuh presented the Board a summary comparison of the proposed renewal contract with Lancaster Landscaping and a proposed contract from Greenspace Landscaping. The summary reflected three positives for Greenscape: three leaf removals vs. two, five procedures vs. two for lawn care; and, a slightly lower cost over the next three years. There are also optional services including lawn aeration, over-seeding, summer annuals and fall flowers that can be included at seemingly reasonable rates. Motion to accept Greenspace’s contract, subject to M. Schuh’s soliciting a current reference and the name of the intended point of contact service person, by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Administration/Bookkeeper: Given N. Shull’s retiring from this position, L. Bobb indicated her interest in picking up this area of responsibility. The BOD considered the positives in having L. Bobb take on this responsibility, given her work and familiarity as RVOP Treasurer. L. Martin researched the Association bylaws to clarify that it would not be considered a conflict of interest for her to be reimbursed for her services specific to the bookkeeping activities. Motion to have L. Bobb take over bookkeeping by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved with L. Bobb abstaining. The BOD also agreed that L. Bobb and N. Shull would both share the position for a month to facilitate a smooth transition. The BOD also noted and wishes to extend to N. Shull its appreciation and gratitude for her faithful service to RVOP over the years she has served in this capacity.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0913 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 4/21/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP February 17, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0818hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 1/20/22 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 2/15/22, the checking account balance was $75,324.22. However, there are outstanding checks for snow removal and other items. Thus, the actual balance will be $58,592.27 when those checks are posted. Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Property/Sign: G. White provided updated an estimate from Fast Signs for repairing the RVOP sign located at the corner of Old Keene Mill Rd. & Shiplett Blvd. The cost of replacing the acrylic panels with new panels (design, artwork and name; same as existing) is around $4,000, with the upgrade to LED bulbs, new photocell and possible incidental items that may occur in the process. Given these incidentals, the Board agreed to have the work done at a cost not to exceed $4500. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion/9318-B: This unit remains on hold pending response(s) from 58 Foundations on existing work already begun.
--Property/Water Intrusion/9302 &9304 B: 58 Foundations has enlisted the services of a permit runner to facilitate the process. G. White explained that some of the earlier permit requests were inaccurate and had to be recalled. There is also some question if a permit is needed to simply replace an existing, non-functioning sump pump. It is expected that 58 Foundations and the permit runner will sort this out and resume work on the interior area of 9304 B.
--Property/Lighting: G. White informed the Board that he has not been able to get additional information/clarification on remedial options for the electrical panel issues and the lighting issues due to his involvement with the sign and water issues. He will pursue the electrical issues as soon as he can get to them.
--Property/Virginia Eyecare Project: The Board has concerns regarding the definition and designation of foundational walls and potential impact on the units beneath and adjoining the proposed work area. It was also unclear how the elevation difference between the two units is to be handled. It was agreed that, given the Board’s responsibility to consider the potential impact on other unit owners/tenants, L. Martin would write a letter clarifying these concerns to Virginia Eyecare Center and indicate that G. White is our point of contact in reference to these concerns. Virginia Eyecare Center will be asked to provide copies of all plans addressing these concerns as well as assurances that the contractor’s insurance lists these adjoining unit owners as “also insureds.”
--Grounds/Landscaping: M. Schuh reminded the Board that the existing contract with Lancaster Landscapes ended on 12/31/21 and that we have not received a new contract proposal from them yet. M. Schuh is reaching out to Lancaster and other potential companies to solicit bids for grounds maintenance. Other Board members offered the names of potential contacts for bids.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0910 hrs. Motion by N. Qureshi, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 3/17/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP January 20, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0826hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 12/16/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 1/18/22, the checking account balance was $49076.92 with no delinquent accounts at this time. Looking ahead, there are some snow removal expenses coming in as well as quarterly assessments of $33,000 expected. Other expenses include the on-going water intrusion expenses and electrical issues being considered. Motion to approve by D. Moreau, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion/9304 B & 9318: There is no signed contract with 58 Foundations for 9318 at this time due to the unresolved follow through and remediation planned for 9304 B. G. White has heard back from 58 Foundations and it seems that they are dealing with several management/employee transition issues. He has written them asking for specific projections to assist RVOP in considering its options to address the water intrusion.
--Property/Lighting: G. White received an estimate ($25,000) from R&M for electrical work addressing several areas of concern. He will get clarification on some aspects of the proposed work, including a possible metal “skirt” to cover the area below the larger electrical boxes. --Property/Lights & Sign: The lights are not working in the RVOP sign located at the corner of Old Keene Mill Rd. and Shiplett Blvd. In addition, one of the panels is loose and has some cracks in it. G. White is also checking to see if there is power to the sign and if the electrical components appear to be working. He is recommending replacement of the panel.
--Administration/Finance: L. Martin presented the revised Five-Year Budget. In addition to the recurring expenses, he referenced projected expenses (snow removal and parking lot paving). Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Trash: It was noted that the dumpster had not been emptied in the past several days, presumably due to wintery weather and manpower shortages. The Board will monitor this. --Property/Water Leak: M. Schuh was able to locate a contractor to address a leak in a drain pipe from above units that resulted from poor initial installation. Cost was $225 to the Association.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0905 hrs. Motion by N. Qureshi, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 2/17/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP December 16, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0817hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 11/18/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 12/15/21, the checking account balance was $62,553.56 with no delinquent accounts at this time. Other than monthly recurring expenses, future expenses are the annual insurance premium, repair work (water intrusion) to be done by 58 Foundations and anticipated snow removal. Motion to approve by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion/9304 B & 9318: G. White has placed another call to check on 58 Foundations’ preparedness to proceed with the repair work. He believes that their acquisition of other businesses and subsequent reorganization efforts are still the reason for the delay. He will continue to pursue contacting them to complete the repairs.
--Property/Lighting: G. White received estimates from PSE for repairing the lighting issues in the courtyard area ($2172.82) and the electrical panels ($3882.91, work to be done on a weekday; ($5882.91 if done on Saturday). He also met yesterday with Lowell Gibson of R & M Electric and expects a bid from him shortly. In the course of the meeting, Mr. Gibson suggested that a “skirt” under the electrical panel might be a suitable and more affordable option to consider.
--Administration/delinquency: L. Martin informed the BOD that two delinquent accounts have been paid and are up to date. The respective liens have been removed.
--Administration/Finance: L. Martin reminded all Directors to review and be prepared to discuss the five-year draft budget, to be voted on at the next BOD meeting in January.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0850 hrs. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 1/20/22 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP November 18, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0819hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 10/25/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 11/17/21, the checking account balance was $54,613.97. One aging account continues to be present. Presently, there are no outstanding balances to be paid from previous work. However, the BOD is currently waiting on the resolution of permitting and approval items to continue repair work on two water-related issues. Motion to approve by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion/9304 B & 9318: G. White received a message from Mike Hogan of 58 Foundations indicating that they believe they have most of the items sorted out regarding their personnel and the permitting process for 9304 B and 9318. He anticipates them being able to address the sump pump items soon so that the work might go forward.
--Property/Lighting: G. White had Gordon Schmidt of Power Systems Electric out to look at the non-functioning lights in the courtyard area near 9306 B. An estimate for repair work (believed to be a short in the electrical feed to two lights) should be forthcoming soon. G. White is also checking on other light poles (near 9318 & 9312) and short post lights that may not be working. There was some discussion among BOD members as to whether some of the older pole lights may need to have ballasts changed in an effort to maximize lighting efficiency and longevity. The stair well lights will also be checked as well.
--Property/Electrical: When initially surveying the lighting issues, M. Hogan of PSE noted that the electrical panels located at the end of the 9300 building have a degree of rust in the bottom and that the PVC conduit pipes leading to the panel are dropping (lower than the panel) resulting in some gaps with exposed wires and creating openings for pest and debris intrusion. He will submit a repair estimate for this work as well.
--Administration/Finance: After several attempts to reach the owners, L. Martin informed the BOD that a lien was filed against a delinquent account.
--Architecture: A request by Laleh Sadeghi, MPH of Tutoring in Fairfax, to replace existing windows with newer yet similar appearing and functioning windows was discussed and approved, with the “at owner’s cost” and “similar appearance” conditions included. Motion to approve by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/Architecture: Wise Cuts Barber shop has requested that the front door be replaced by the association. It is unclear if the door is not functioning properly or if the request is aesthetically motivated. The Board will review the basis of the request and revisit the guidelines regarding who might be responsible for the cost of replacement in this instance.
--Administration/Finance: L. Martin requested all Directors to review and be prepared to discuss the five-year draft budget, to be considered at the next BOD meeting. He reminded the BOD that the Board had previously agreed to an annual 5% increase in dues for the foreseeable future, until the reserve account is sufficiently built up.
--The meeting was adjourned at 0905 hrs. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 12/16/21 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP October 26, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 1901hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau, Homa Puga and Martin Schuh. Owners Travis White and Howard Birmiel were also present via zoom.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 9/23/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 10/23/21, the checking account balance was $46,002.88. One aging account remains as being outstanding. Motion to approve by D. Moreau, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion 9318 B: G. White informed the Board that the work currently remains on hold due to approval and permitting issues.
--Property/Water Intrusion 9304 B: This work is waiting on permitting for the sump pump. G. White has been attempting to contact 58 Foundations to follow through on the permitting process. It is his understanding that 58 Foundations is undergoing some personnel changes that is contributing to the delay in follow through.
--Architecture/Signs: 9318 is currently being purchased by Tutoring in Fairfax. They have presented a sign request for a lighted box sign to be placed on their end wall, over the stairwell. The sign is consistent with RVOP sign guidelines. Approval of the sign with the condition that the electrical conduit be contained within the sign and accessed through the wall was approved. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Projected Budget: L. Martin introduced a five-year projected budget that includes a 5% increase in expenses and a previously-agreed-upon 5% increase in dues. Discussion centered around shifting some “monthly maintenance” funds to “miscellaneous expenses,” given that a contractor is no longer paid on a monthly basis. The budget will be discussed next month.
--Property/Lighting: G. White is in the process of getting an electrical contractor to check on lighting outages in the courtyard area near 9306.
--Property/Grounds: G. White mentioned that there seems to be an abandoned A/C unit near the front of 9302. He will try to determine the owner and have it addressed as needed.
--The meeting was adjourned at 1930 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly BOD Meeting is 0815 on 11/18/21 via zoom.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
RVOP September 23, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0825 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello, Debbie Moreau and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 8/19/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by L. Martin; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 08/21/21, the checking account balance was $28,515.83. All of the roofing and gutter work has been paid. Anticipated expenses continue to be the water intrusion work, which is still ongoing. Also, quarterly billing cycle will bring in more operating capital. There are three outstanding accounts, all in the 31–60-day time frame, totaling $4,152.45. Motion to approve by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion 9318 B: G. White informed the Board that the work is currently on hold due to approval and permitting issues.
--Property/Water Intrusion 9304 B: This work is waiting on permitting for the sump pump. G. White will contact 58 Foundations to check the status of the permit.
--Landscaping/Parking Lot: The existing two cold patches areas seem to be working well and are expected to hold up over the winter. Nevertheless, G. White is exploring potential repair entities, should a repair become necessary on short notice.
--Property/Alcove Lighting: G. White informed the Board that all the alcove lights have been installed. Given the time of year and the other repair projects underway, the caulking and painting will be postponed until spring.
--Annual General Membership Meeting: The Notice of meeting, via zoom, was approved for 6:30 pm, 10/25. Notices will go out immediately in accordance with the 30-day notification period. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Architecture/Signs: L. Martin relayed that the tutoring business will be requesting a sign for the end wall of their unit. He asked them to submit a request consistent with the sign requirements.
The meeting was adjourned at 0852 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 10/25/21, immediately after the General Membership meeting.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
Minutes of the RVOP August 19, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0823 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 7/15/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 08/18/21, the checking account balance was $58,362.91. However, several checks have just gone out and will be cashed soon, resulting in a balance of $41,734.01, when they clear the bank. There is an additional $12,000 in deferred payments to be paid next month. Also, the next quarterly billing cycle is a little over a month away and is anticipated to replenish the account. Currently, there are no accounts receivables beyond the 30-day due limit. Motion to approve by L. Martin, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
--Property/Electricity Issue/9302 A: G. White informed the Board that the 9302 A electricity issue (at the inside panel) is a tenant/owner responsibility and that he has not heard any more from the occupant of that particular unit.
--Property/Alcove Lighting: G. White informed the Board that all the alcove lights have been installed. He will be looking for bids to have the ceilings repaired and repainted as necessary.
--Property/Water Intrusion in 9318 B: G. White indicated that the affected area of drywall has been removed and that repairs are underway. He feels fairly confident that the cause of the issue has been identified.
--Property/water Intrusion in 9304 E: G. White indicated that there seems to be some delay with the work getting completed due to some permitting issues with the county. Apparently, three different types of inspectors are involved (electrical, structural and environmental) resulting in some delays.
--Landscaping/Parking Lot: G. White has finished painting the white stripes and has the stencils for the handicapped spaces, but is waiting on the blue paint for these spaces. He also mentioned that it may be necessary to do a “cold patch” in part of the parking lot. Lastly, G. White suggested the Board consider installing a speed bump near at upper level near unit 9316 in an effort to slow down cars that are moving quickly through this section of the parking lot. The Board encouraged him to get bids for the speed bump.
--Parking Lot/Snow Removal: A. Meccariello spoke with Mr. Johnson of Suburban Contractors to clarify the pricing and cost factors that go into both the snow plowing/removal and the sidewalk clearing process. It is understood that his cost of getting a crew and equipment together and onsite is why there are the minimum charges per incident. The Board believes that these factors are sufficient to appreciate the current contract and the Board decided to approve the contracts (Parking Lot and Sidewalks) with Suburban. Motion by G. White, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Property/Trash: G. White shared a couple of signs he located to discourage outside usage of the RVOP dumpster. The Board members liked the signs and approve his plan of placing them near the dumpster site.
--Property/Maintenance: In an effort to recognize and appreciate the many hours of personal attention to the upkeep and repair of various projects (roofing, gutters, alcove lighting, etc.) as well as his timely response to more immediate problems (water intrusion, electrical panel issues, etc.) the Board wishes to formally thank G. White for his taking on and addressing these many projects and issues. The Board decided to give G. White a restaurant gift card in the amount of $250 as a token of the Board’s gratitude to him. Motion to approve by L. Bobb, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved with G. White abstaining.
The meeting was adjourned at 0857 hrs. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 09/23/21, at 0815 via Zoom teleconference.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
Minutes of the RVOP July 15, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0816 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi, and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 6/17/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved as written. It was noted, however, that a subsequent letter, clarifying specific structural concerns, was sent to Virginia Eye Care. The letter details greater specificity in requiring an engineering study and approval, by locally licensed engineers, concerning the structural integrity in the proposed connection of adjoining units. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 07/17/21, the checking account balance was $46,046.84. Payments (balances due) to be made by the end of July are $13,440.50 and $12,165 by the end of August for a total of $25,605.50. August’s recurring expenses are $2,200. The estimated receivables by 7/31 is $17,549.46. One party is past due and has not responded to recent efforts to work with them. A motion was made to file a lien unless a payment is received from them before Aug. 1. Aside from new expenses anticipated for upcoming repair work, funds available by the end of August is expected to be around $35,000. Motion to approve by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Property/Gutters and Underground Drains: The gutter replacement was completed last weekend. G. White was able to clean out all the drains along Old Keene Mill except one. He also mentioned that a contractor recommended that the drains under the sidewalks be re-configured so that they have the water exit the drains at a 45-degree-angle. G. White is thinking that the lower three drains (i.e., lower three drains as the water flows past the curb toward the storm drain past 9318) should be considered. As they are currently, the large volume of water in heavy rains serves to block water flowing out of the drains from the downspouts. This discussion was deferred for future consideration.
--Property/Alcove Lighting: G. White indicated that the installation of the new LED fixtures and lights are almost completed. However, ceiling repair and repainting around the fixtures is not something that he can do, given the other issues he is addressing. He will solicit bids from outside contractors to complete this part of the alcove lighting repairs.
--Property/Dumpster/Trash: Recently there has been an increase in large objects being left adjacent to the dumpster. It was also noted that one of the business owners/occupants was observed bringing in construction and other sundry items from off-site with the apparent intent to leave them at the dumpster. When confronted, he did take them away. It was agreed that Board members will encourage and remind all owners and tenants that the dumpster is intended only for trash generated within the complex. M. Schuh will draft a letter to be included with the quarterly billing to remind owners of this intended usage.
--Property/Water Intrusion: G. White presented an estimate from Advanta to remove drywall and studs in 9318 B to address the water leakage issue. The estimate also anticipates cleaning the exposed wall, coating it and encapsulating it, assuming that this will be sufficient to address the problem. G. White is also looking into the water drainage configuration in place above grade for this location to consider potential remediation needed there. Motion to approve ½ of $5023.50 to begin this work by L. Bobb, 2ndby N. Qureshi; all approved.
--Landscaping/Parking Lot: L. Martin asked BOD members for input concerning the contractors providing landscaping and snow removal services to date in light of contract renewals coming up this fall. M. Schuh said that the landscaping appears to be satisfactory thus far and is waiting to see how they prune some of the shrubs later this year. There was no comment on snow removal. A. Meccariello, who has been the primary point of contact with Suburban (the snow removal company), was out of town and unavailable to comment. These questions will be considered at a later date.
The meeting was adjourned at 0915 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2ndby G. White; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 08/19/21, at 0815 via Zoom teleconference.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
Minutes of the RVOP June 17, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0816 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 5/20/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 06/17/21, the checking account balance was $55,164.16. The accounts receivable has increased with several outstanding accounts in the 31–60-day time frame and one remaining in the 91+ days ($899.40). Total outstanding amounts for these time frames are $3,355.37 and $899.40, respectively. The upcoming quarterly billing is $31,658.49. Signed contracts for work to be initiated shortly (roofing, gutters, water intrusion, etc.) total $34,509 to date. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
--Property/Water Issues: The cost of the sump pump permitting/repair, located in front of unit 9302 A (above ground), is included in the proposed work to be done by 58 Foundations as they address the water intrusion problem in the lower units of 9304 B & C.
--Property/Roof & Gutter: The materials for the 9310-9318 roof replacement are to be delivered Friday, 6/18, and to be installed over the weekend. G. White will be present to oversee the delivery and follow up with installation by Peak Roofing.
--Property/Water Intrusion: The work addressing the water issue in 9302 C (D. Moreau’s unit) is to commence today, 6/17.
--Property/Roofing: Peak Roofing inspected the roofing and gutters on the 9300-9306 building and discovered several issues needing attention as well as a proposal for gutter guard installation. The total cost for repair and gutter guard installation is $4994. The Board voted to approve the repairs and installation as proposed. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by G. White, all approved.
--Property/Water Intrusion: G. White reported that there are two new instances of water intrusion: 9302 C (lower unit next door to the 9304 C repair work to commence shortly) and in 9318 B (lower unit). The first is believed to result from the sump pump (referenced above) that has not been working and water pooling in the window well. The second issue appears to result from a blocked smaller drainage tube under the sidewalk at the front (Old Keene Mill) side of the building. Greg is following up on these issues and will have 58 Foundations and Advanta look at them.
--Property/Expansion Request: Virginia Eye Care has purchased the adjoining unit (upper two floors), 9316 and submitted plans to expand from the existing office into the newly acquired space. Architect drawings are included in their letter, requesting the BOD’s approval. After discussion of the request the BOD approved the request with the following conditions: 1, Should the acquired building be sold separately at a later date, it is to be returned to its original condition and specifications; 2, All of the architectural plans and engineering analyses are to be reviewed and approved by Fairfax County’s permitting and inspection requirements; 3, Any demolition work is to be done with notice to neighboring units and preferably during non-business hours. Motion by G. White, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved. L. Martin will convey these conditions via letter shortly so that VEC can proceed.*
The meeting was adjourned at 0918 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by H. Puga; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 07/15/21, at 0815 via Zoom teleconference.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
*Subsequent additional review of the Virginia Eyecare Center proposal resulted in the following email response to the proposal:
The RVOP Board of Directors has carefully reviewed your construction request related to your recent acquisition of 9316D, that is your intention to connect your existing units with your newly acquired units. Below are the results of the Board’s Review.
Finally, once the approval has been issued, the approval will necessarily be conditioned upon your agreement to restore the “pass-through” areas and other parts of the units altered from their original condition, back to the original construction state, should you seek to sell the units separately, or should Virginia Eye Center cease its business operations within its current and proposed enlarged spaces.
The member of the RVOP board of directors who is your point of contact for this matter and with whom you whom you should coordinate your actions going forth and to whom you should furnish the information required above, is Gregg White, (703) 913-8501, Gregg White
Thanks in advance for your concern and cooperation with the Board in moving forward with what we know is a very important project to the Virginia Eyecare Center.
Lloyd Martin
President, RVOP
Minutes of the RVOP May 20, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 0820 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Homa Puga and Martin Schuh.
--Minutes: The minutes of the 4/15/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 05/19/21, the checking account balance was $57,052.59. The accounts receivable has improved with only one account beyond 91 days ($899.40). Outstanding from the recent quarterly billing is $9,850.55 for a total outstanding amount of $10,749.95. Motion to accept by L. Martin, 2nd by G. White; all approved.
--Grounds/Landscaping: M Schuh updated the Board on recent shrubs/plants ($300) in the courtyard area in front of 9312-14. The Board appreciates tenants/occupants nearby who are watering them and helping them get established.
--Property/Water Issues: G. White presented proposals to address the water issues impacting the sump pump for 9302 A and the water intrusion problem for 9304 B&C. 58 Foundations has submitted a proposal to replace the sump pump, install a floor drain system with a pump and secure the necessary Fairfax County permits for both items, for $7998. G. White also presented a bid from AdvantaClean for the interior repairs and replacements (metal studs, drywall, painting, etc.) for $3781 for water intrusion damage done to 9304 B&C. Final flooring/carpeting replacement will be discussed with the owner pending completion of the above repairs. Motion to approve both work items by L. Martin, 2nd by H. Puga; all approved.
--Property/Alcove Lighting: G. White updated the Board on his progress replacing and repairing adjacent areas in the alcove. He has most of the courtyard alcove areas completed and will continue with others as his schedule allows. He also indicated that the repair paint is a close match and that some variation in color might be noticed. Some areas may need additional painting and repair where there is cracking and loose segments.
--Property/Roof & Gutter: The Board acknowledged and affirmed an earlier ad hoc meeting via email to approve the roof replacement for the 9310-9318 building to be completed on the weekend of June 19-20 for $37,780 ($18,890 deposit already paid). Given that this work will be occurring, it was decided to replace the existing gutters and downspouts in conjunction with the 9310-9318 roof replacement, with larger gutters, including gutter guards, and downspouts. The cost is $10,880; the Board voted to approve this additional expense. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
--Grounds/Parking Lot: Greg informed the Board that he has also been working to clean sand from the parking lot and has been able to clean much of the upper area along Old Keene Mill Rd. He will continue with the rest of the lot as time and schedule allows. Other Board members offered to assist as their schedules and time allow.
--Grounds/Parking Lot: G. White presented information on a parking lot line-striping machine that would allow the Board to repaint the lines. The estimated cost is around $170.00, depending upon how much paint is required to do the whole lot. Also, stencils for handicapped spaces would be additional. This item was tabled pending additional information to be gathered.
--Property/Roofing: The Board reviewed and approved a flier announcing the roof replacement work on 6/19-20 was reviewed and approved. It will be posted on the website.
--Property/Roofing: G. White noted that there are several satellite dishes in the complex. With roofing and gutter replacement in the next several weeks, he is checking to see if any are still in use. If not, they will be removed.
--Property/Dumpster Pad: G. White noted that there seems to be some settling in the back left corner of the concrete pad, contributing to some standing water after heavier rains. This will be monitored and considered for possible future repair work.
--Property/Brick Repair: Several instances of cracks in bricks and loose or missing bricks were noted. G. White will look for a handyman or appropriate entity to address these issues. An additional concern noted is a short retaining wall near the back of 9318 which seems to be leaning somewhat.
As a reminder, G. White, has become our point of contact and is to be informed of items appearing to be in need of attention/repair. Should anyone see an item that may need to be addressed/repaired, contact G. White at 703-913-8501. Thank you again, Gregg, for your willingness to take on this challenging role. It is greatly appreciated!
The meeting was adjourned at 0921 hrs. Motion by D. Moreau, 2nd by H. Puga; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 06/17/21, at 0815 via Zoom teleconference.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 0820 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello, Naveed Qureshi and Martin Schuh.
Minutes: The minutes of the 3/18/21 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 04/14/21, the checking account balance was $57,706.64. It was noted that this lower figure reflects recent payments for snow removal and tree trimming. The accounts receivable is currently $27,259.21 with $2,161.53 of that amount being 90 days or more past due from two parties. One of the two has responded and is anticipated to address the past due amount. The second has not yet responded. L. Martin will discuss with H. Birmiel the next steps to be taken. This may involve filing a lien on the property. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
Grounds/Administration/PMC Contract: The Board again revisited the scope and nature of the revised PMC Contract/Agreement and discussed the various areas of concern to the Board. There were some additional questions and discussion regarding the monthly activities and whether these are to be done automatically or as requested. It was agreed that Board members would further review/edit the proposed document with the goal of having a finalized agreement that has G. White as the primary contact person for RVOP. It was also agreed that L. Martin would contact PMC to inform them to stop doing routine inspections. Apparently, they have been inspecting recently completed work or items being considered by other contractors, resulting in duplicating activity. Instead, we are shifting to having them operate as being on-call and brought in as needed.
Grounds/Landscaping: M. Schuh reported that he is considering planting some solid green liriope in areas outside S. Leaf and H. Birmiel’s offices where vegetation is sparse. This seems to be the result of diminished sun light in that area. He will also look for shrubbery that might be more suitable to this setting. The board authorized him to spend up to $300 for plants/shrubs.
Sump Pumps: G. White has been researching the question of when are permits needed. He has concluded that it appears that permits are required when replacing a pump, not for repairing.
Grounds/Parking Lot: G. White has been in contact with two paving companies to assess and recommend appropriate repairs. These are Dominion Paving and H&H Paving. A third company, Pro Pave was also suggested as an option. G. White said that one approach being considered is repaving the traffic areas and not the parking spaces. He will also have them include sealing and striping as well as adding a speed hump in the vicinity of 9314.
Property/Roofing: The Board briefly revisited the issue of roof replacement ($43,728) for the 9310-9318 building. G. White has not had an opportunity to discuss the pricing differences if replacing segments of the 9310-9318 building where there is a natural division in the roof due to different elevations. This item was tabled to next month.
Grounds/Trees: JL Tree Services completed the trimming work on 4/3/21 and everyone seems pleased with their finished work and the fact that they were able to do it on one Saturday with a minimum disruption to traffic and businesses. M. Schuh will send an email complimenting JL on their fine work.
Property/Lighting: G. White is continuing to replace the light fixtures in the entrances to all units. So far, they seem to be working well. Owners and tenants are encouraged to leave their lights on overnight for security purposes.
Note: G. White, has offered last month to be our point of contact and to inform him of items appearing to be in need of attention/repair. Should anyone see an item that may need to be addressed/repaired, contact G. White at 703-913-8501.
The meeting was adjourned at 0915 hrs. Motion by N. Qureshi, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 05/20/21, at 0815 via Zoom teleconference.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 0820 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
Minutes: The minutes of the 2/18/21 Zoom meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to accept by A. Meccariello, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 03/17/21, the checking account balance was $66,874.83. There is a current invoice from Suburban Concrete for snow and ice removal in the amount of $9,495. There are several other checks about to go out for smaller amounts. The accounts receivable is currently $11,013.35. There are two parties with outstanding amounts at 91 days or more overdue. One has received a letter from H. Birmiel, dated 3/1/21, with no known response yet. N. Shull has left phone messages with the other party and has not heard back yet. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved.
Grounds/Lights: G. White has researched replacement lights with fixtures for the entrances to all the units. These are units that combine both the bulb and the replacement can or housing. He is proposing to replace these lights in all 32 locations for $776.00. The Board approved this amount with the addition of additional funds for potential complications not to exceed $1000. Motion to accept by L. Martin, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
Grounds/Sump Pumps: G. White has been researching the question of when are permits needed. Generally, permits are not needed when repairing; replacement of a pump is unclear, especially in commercial settings. He will continue to check into this question.
Grounds/Administration/PMC Contract: The Board revisited the scope and nature of the PMC Contract and discussed those areas of concern to the Board. It was agreed that the contract with PMC would be redefined and continued accordingly: The frequency of on-site inspections would be on a monthly basis rather than weekly; G. White will arrange to be present and to accompany PMC for inspections; the annual inspections of roof and gutters (and possibly other larger issues) may be awarded to other companies on a competitive basis; the one hour per week visit and reimbursement will be modified to $60/hour (and prorated at fifteen minute increments up to a maximum of three hours) for however long the individual monthly inspections require; G. White will able to approve minor repairs/issues at the time of inspection and will consult with the rest of the Board via email on larger issues.
Grounds/Parking Lot: One pot hole repair was made by PMC outside the 9318 unit. Given the concerns with other known and anticipated repairs/expenses, additional parking lot items (resurfacing, re-striping, etc.) were tabled until next month.
Grounds/Roofing: The Board again considered whether to pursue the issue of roof replacement ($43,728) for the 9310-9318 building. Due to the expense of the snow removal this past month, the roof repair was tabled until next month. The suggestion was made to consider the option of doing some of the roofing to the point where the buildings are at different elevations and, thereby, have separate roofing levels. G. White said he would ask Peak Roofing if this were an option and how it might change the pricing.
Grounds/Trees: M. Schuh met with Carlos from Lancaster Landscapes to discuss trimming and elevation of trees around the light poles and near the buildings. After walking the property yesterday, Carlos indicated that a few trees in the courtyard area could be trimmed and included in the current terms of the contract as pruning/trimming near and over sidewalks. The rest of the work would fall under their “Tree Day” option in the contract. There are approximately twenty trees that would need trimming/elevation. Some of this work is to facilitate the lighting and remove dead branches. There are also a number of trees adjacent to the trees next to the light poles that should also be elevated, both to be consistent with those by the poles and to remove branches that are near cars and/or approaching the buildings in the courtyard area. Carlos thought that this work could be accomplished with two “tree days” and will submit a proposal in a few days. M. Schuh is also contacting two other tree service companies for comparison bids.
Grounds/Landscaping: In the courtyard area some areas have lost vegetation and shrubs near entrances. M. Schuh will research replacement plants/shrubs that should be consistent with the others as well as the amount of sunshine and drainage for the respective locations. He will submit a proposal for this work at a later time.
Note: G. White, has offered last month to be our point of contact and to inform him of items appearing to be in need of attention/repair. His # is 703 913 8501.
The meeting was adjourned at 0925 hrs. Motion by A. Meccariello, 2nd by G. White; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 04/15/21, at 0815 via Zoom teleconference.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 0819 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
Minutes: The minutes of the 1/217/21 Zoom meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by L. Bobb; all approved.
Treasurer Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 01/29/21, the checking account balance was $72,582.91. The accounts receivable is currently $10,213.35, including a recent payment of $800 not yet reflected in the summary statement. There was brief discussion of payments to PMC and Suburban Concrete to clarify the specific services invoiced. One of the delinquent accounts has been sent to Howard Birmiel’s office to initiate a collection process. Lastly, discussion/clarification was presented by L. Bobb concerning the aging amounts on the Budget vs. Actuals (Profit and Loss) sheet. Of note is the realization that dues are received quarterly but itemized on the sheet as monthly, resulting in the appearance of interim shortages/overages. Motion to accept by N. Qureshi, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
Grounds/Sump pumps: This issue was noted as a potential problem when the BOD was addressing the water intrusion problem at 9302. At the time PMC commented that it needed repair and, as the BOD recalls, efforts were directed to the wall sealing efforts that have, since then, appeared to be successful. Upon visual inspection now, it seems that the pump is not connected to drain pipes or to electricity to power it. G. White will follow up with a more detailed inspection as well as clarify was PMC’s assessment of the pump’s condition. This will be revisited at the next BOD meeting.
Grounds/Lighting: G. White said that he believed that he may have located an appropriate replacement for the damaged light receptacles located in the alcoves to the offices. Some of the existing receptacles appear to have been damaged when PMC was attempting to replace bulbs. The BOD agreed that G. White shall follow up to see if the receptacles he has identified will indeed work. This will be considered at the next BOD meeting.
Grounds/Maintenance Agreement: The BOD discussed the proposed revisions to the 2018 maintenance agreement and considered whether a weekly inspection was necessary or if a less frequent inspection would be sufficient. The BOD discussed various members’ presence in the complex and appreciates the willingness of those members who are on-site and able pay attention to the types of items that have been identified over the course of time. It was also discussed and agreed to put a notice in the next billing cycle and on the association Website indicating that members could call G. White, as a point of contact, and inform him of items appearing to be in need of attention/repair. His # is 703-913-8501.
Administration/Budget/Roofing: The BOD considered the recent estimate from Peak Roofing for the 9310-9318 building that G. White secured. The estimate includes both the roofing and gutters, with 10 sheets of plywood included, for $43,728. Given the expected increase in materials, this estimate can be expected to increase somewhat around 4/1/21. The BOD agreed to postpone a decision until next month in order to consider the impact of likely snow removal costs on the budget.
Administration/Budget/Parking Lot: Given the modest reserves currently available and the anticipated roofing expense, discussion on the parking lot centered on likely scenarios of patching specific spots, re-striping and larger area resurfacing. Given the relatively stable condition of the lot thus far, the BOD is tabling further discussion of these options until the next meeting and, possibly into summer.
Grounds: It was noted that a Real Estate’s For Sale sign was removed recently. L. Martin will contact the R. E. agency to inform them of its removal and have them follow up as necessary.
The meeting was adjourned at 0915 hrs. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 03/18/21, at 0815 via Zoom teleconference.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 0816 hrs. via Zoom teleconference. Board members present were Lloyd Martin, Gregg White, Linda Bobb, Debbie Moreau, Naveed Qureshi, Anne Meccariello and Martin Schuh.
Minutes: The minutes of the 12/17/20 zoom meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to accept by L. Bobb, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The financial statements & report were prepared and presented by L. Bobb. As of 01/20/21, the checking account balance was $57,874.04 with $27,816.30 in current receivables and $32,140 in total receivables, when combined with past-due amounts. One of the past-due accounts is XXXXXXX and, since there has been no recent response from them, this account will be referred to Howard Birmiel’s office for follow up. Lastly, there were some questions concerning the various items billed by PMC with a focus on clarifying what types of items might fall under the weekly Grounds/Maintenance agreement with them. Motion to accept by D. Moreau, 2nd by N. Qureshi; all approved.
None discussed.
Grounds/Parking: In 2018, ETC conducted a study of the parking lot’s condition and made several recommendations. Today, the BOD discussed some of those recommendations with the intention of planning the next steps in addressing its maintenance. Discussion centered around two general issues: the need for an independent consultant to oversee any repair/maintenance work undertaken to ensure accuracy and appropriateness of the work; and, secondly, whether to focus on major work now (i.e., resurfacing the whole lot, involving more expense), or repair certain areas now with the intent of building up financial reserves for major work to be done in a few years. There were valid concerns and ideas presented on both sides of the issues. Given the lack of consensus, it was agreed that Board members would pursue input and recommendations from paving companies and continue this discussion at the next BOD meeting.
Finances/Budget: Given the savings in insurance premium, L. Martin put a lot of effort into revisiting the projected budget over the next five years. Anticipating the need to replace a roof (9310-9318) and parking lot repairs, the BOD reviewed the projected budget and discussed potential scenarios, along with other potentially higher expenses (variable snow removal costs, larger repairs such as water intrusion issues). It was agreed that since the proposed budget calls for a 5% increase in expenses, it may be wise to increase association fees by the same amount (5%). However, given the financial challenges during this year of COVID and that a special assessment had already been imposed last year, this increase would not begin until the quarterly assessments in beginning 01/2022 and would increase by 5% annually until 2025. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by D. Moreau; all approved.
Finances/Budget to Expense Comparison: L. Martin asked that the Budget to Expense comparison be included with the financial statements for the monthly meetings. L. Bobb agreed to include this item going forward.
Grounds/Parking Lot: Given the earlier discussion regarding projected expenses and reserves, Gregg White agreed to contact Peak Roofing (given their recent work on 9308) to get projected bids with an extended time frame to assist the Board in its efforts to plan for larger expenses.
The meeting was adjourned at 0922 hrs. Motion by L. Bobb, 2nd by A. Meccariello; all approved. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for 02/18/21, at 0815 via Zoom teleconference.
Martin Schuh, Secretary
Rolling Valley Office Park